Rumours about Google's next Tensor processor have started to go around. According to a new report, the Tensor G3 will use Samsung's latest chip developments and stick with the same modem as the Pixel 7 series. The next-gen Pixel smartphones are reportedly using the chipset codenamed "Zuma." It'll reportedly be an offshoot of the Exynos 2300, which Samsung has reportedly been actively working on even if reports claim it'll ditch the chipset for its flagship Galaxy S23 series.
According to previous reports, the same Zuma codename was spotted, with claims it may be fabricated on Samsung's 3nm process. (The Tensor G2 is built on a 5nm process.) The Tensor G3's modem will reportedly be left unchanged from the Tensor G2, which was better received than the modem on the original Tensor chip in the Pixel 6.
This new report also mentions two Google devices with the codenames "Shiba" and "Husky." Both feature 12GB of RAM, with Shiba sporting a 2,268 x 1,080 display, while Husky has a 2,822 x 1,344 screen. But at this point, these specs need to be taken with a grain of salt. The resolutions listed aren't in line with any of Google's prior devices.