Spotify Friends Mix makes you a playlist based on what your friends are listening to
Monday, August 1, 2022 at 10:47PM
Nicole Batac in Apple, Apple Beat, Apple iOS, Mobile, Music, News, Press release, Spotify, app news, iPad apps, iphone

If your friends have excellent taste in music and you want to get in on that, Spotify has another automated playlist that brings you the latest tracks your friends are listening to. You will need to use Spotify's Blend feature for Friends Mix to work. According to Spotify, Your Friends Mix will create an ever-updating playlist based on what you and your friends are listening to.

The Friends Mix relies on your old Spotify Blends, so if you haven't made those yet. You need to first. When you've created three Blends, the Friends Mix should automatically generate. You'll have access to it on your Made For You hub. This playlist updates daily. It's currently available on iOS and the desktop.

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