Apple's upcoming Watch Ultra 3 smartwatch will supposedly inherit the satellite connectivity feature currently available on the iPhone, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. This feature will allow outdoor enthusiasts to remain connected to emergency services and iMessage contacts via the Globalstar satellite network, even without cellular coverage. Gurman wrote in his Power On newsletter that the feature is expected to be exclusive to the high-end Ultra model as part of a strategy to differentiate its premium devices.
Additionally, Gurman noted that Apple has made significant strides in developing hypertension detection technology. This feature, initially planned for 2024 models, will notify users of potential hypertension without providing specific readings. Instead, users will be encouraged to confirm their blood pressure using a traditional cuff. This approach mirrors the sleep apnea detection feature on recent Apple Watch models.
While Apple continues to explore non-invasive glucose monitoring technology, this ambitious project remains in the early stages of development. Numerous technical challenges must be overcome before it becomes a reality.