Apple today released the Apple Watch Series 3, which is an updated version of its wearable which it released two years ago. The Apple Watch has found a niche in health tracking, notifications as well as specific advantages for runners and swimmers. The newest version features an LTE variant which.
Watch OS 4 Comes to customers on September 19.
Apple Watch Series 3 2ill have LTE connectivity which will be tied in to user's iPhone number. It will be able to stream music from Apple Music, it also comes with a barometer. Apple's Jeff Williams admitted that having LTE on the Apple Watch as a goal since day one, but the technology was not there.
As with most Apple Watch releases, Apple has also announced new straps including collaborations with Hermes and Nike. Series 1 Apple Watches will be available for US $249. Non cellular and cellular models of the Series 3 will be available for pre-order September 15 with a September 22 launch date.