Entries in Apps (101)


Life Inventory app for 12-steppers on the iPad and iPhone

Indie developer James Hollender has two apps to help 12-Steppers do their Moral Inventory, one for iPad and another for iPhone or iPod touch. The Life Inventory apps may be complex, but once understood are amazing. These apps guide users in creating their own Life Inventory, another term for Moral Inventory, which can provide greater self understanding of personality, strengths and weaknesses leading to a better quality of life. These apps allow the user to learn more about themselves than ever thought possible and at only a small fraction the cost of a single visit to a therapist.

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Official Twitter app for Windows 8 now available


In addition to familiar Twitter features, the recently launched official Twitter app introduces new functionality that takes advantage of unique Windows 8 features. We've set it up on our Surface RT tablet and are trying it out. Below are some of the features of this much awaited app. Hit the Microsoft Store on your device to download Twitter.

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Shazam hits 300 million worldwide users, releases new versions for Android and iPad

Shazam, the popular content recignition app used to find out what songs, movies and shows are playing in real time today unveiled its exciting new user experience for iPad and Android tablet fans, including a completely redesigned home screen, an improved layout for Shazam tag results for both TV and music, and a new way to browse what your friends have been tagging.

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Amazon.ca gets its own iOS, Android and Windows Phone Apps

Amazon Mobile App for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phone is now available for Amazon.ca. Get product details, read reviews, scan barcodes to check prices instantly, and complete a secure purchase, right from your mobile phone or tablet. For more info, check out the announcement.