Entries in Dieselgate (6)


Report claims VW to offer cash to drivers affected by dieselgate

Perhaps in a move to appease their customers, Volkswagen will reportedly compensate drivers affected by controversy the company finds itself in. VW has been reported to have developed cars that could cheat emissions test using the Defeat Device software in the car’s electronics. According to sources of The Truth About Cars, VW will launch a “TDI Goodwill Program” that will give TDI owners cash in the form of prepaid cards. In the US, they’ll get US$500 universal card and a VW-only card worth $500 to $750.

VW is set to make an announcement on Monday that could be related to this. But it may not include the range of cars reportedly affected by the scandal as VW claims that they didn’t cheat with some models. Aside from this though, VW is said to handing out deals to existing owners who’d want to get newer vehicles, and they are offering more discounts across the board.

Source: The Truth About Cars | Via: Engadget


Dieselgate scandal deepens, now involves Audi and Porsche models

There seems to be no end to the Volkswagen dieselgate scandal which involved millions of vehicles across various countries that have been designed to cheat emissions tests using Defeat Device software in the cars' computers. While the initial scandal revelaled that various diesel VW models dating back to 2009 were outfitted with the defeat device, we are now finding out that this now involves newer Audi and Porsche models. 

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