Entries in Elon Musk (18)


Tesla’s site and Twitter account gets hacked

Hackers seem to have gotten into both Tesla’s website and official Twitter account. Around 5PM ET, tweets showed up on its page that suggest that the site was no longer handled by the company. It doesn’t seem like anything to grave but it was still an unsophisticated prank of sorts. They changed the account name to #RIPPRGANG and they even posted a number and said to call it to get a free car. Their site also seems to have been compromised. Tesla managed to get back control of both accounts.

Although, even Tesla’s founder Elon Musk got his personal account hacked into. That one seems to be in order as well.

Source: The Verge


Connecting with the 2013 Tesla Model S

Text and photos by Corey Herscu

On a snowy, seemingly unassuming Tuesday in December, my mind was blown: I had the opportunity to test drive a Tesla Model S. The fully electric wonder-child of billionaire investor Elon Musk (think PayPal) is as gorgeous inside as it is out. Hit jump for my impressions of this iconic electric car.

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