Entries in IOS 7 (50)


Mega cloud storage launches iOS app


The cloud storage Mega, which Kim Dotcom released as Megaupload’s replacement, has finally released an iOS app. The app is for the iPhone only at the moment and it allows you to stream or preview media files and send folder and file links in the app. If you want to subscribe to the cloud storage’s premium tier, you can do so with the app as well. Subscribing on your phone will give you 500GB of storage with 1000GB bandwidth per month.

Source: The Verge


Zite adds Airdrop, easier sharing capabilities to iOS app

Personalized magazine app Zite released an update for its iOS app to add support for AirDrop and allow you to share stories that way. Sharing through email has also been made easier and clearer. Emailed stories from the app will have picture and story summary to let the person you send the link to know what you wanted him/her to read. Performance and bug fixes include the ability to restore the article you were reading if the application crashes.



Tumblr for iOS 7 gets redesign

Tumblr redesigns its iOS app to conform to iOS 7 look. The Dashboard and post compose screen both get a new look. There is also a new post style chooser and fast reblog feature. Tumblr also added an autocomplete feature for writing tags.


Gmail for iOS update brings new look, full-screen compose for iPad

Google updates its Gmail iOS app to feature a more iOS 7-friendly look plus more features for iPad version. The navigation bar for the iPad has been slimmed down and allows users to switch between accounts while in landscape view. iPad Gmail users can also have full-screen Compose windows in portrait.

The iPhone app has also been redesigned a bit but the bulk of the user interface changes were done to the iPad app.