Entries in Kobo (26)


Kobo comes to BlackBerry Z10 and Q10 



Blackberry Z10 and Q10 owners who are also invested in the Kobo book and social reading ecosystem can celebrate because today their world's collide, in a good way. If I remember correctly, Kobo was the only eReader platform to be made available to the BlackBerry PlayBook and continues its support for BlackBerry in BB10.  Kobo for BB10 brings the rich tapestry of features and even allows first chapter previews for thousands of select books.


Kobo launches three new eBook Readers

Pre-empting what is expected to be a major announcement by rival Amazon.com, Toronto-based Kobo, now owned by Rakuten, stealthily launched a new line of eBook Readers. The first models since last year's tablet/eReader hybrid the Kobo Vox, the new models represent an entire range of products including a new coloured tablet and what they note is the world's smallest eReader. Hit jump for the full lineup.

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Kobo celebrates Strong eBook and eReader Sales

Kobo today revealed record sales for the holiday season.  This year the Kobo eReader was a very popular gift with people around the world receiving new Kobo Touch, Kobo Vox eReader and Kobo Wifi devices, driving company sales to a record high. The good news is more people are adopting eReaders

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Kobo integrating with Facebook through social reading

Toronto-based Kobo, a global leader in eReading with over 4.9 million users worldwide, is discussing the next advancement in social eReading that will provide people with the ability to engage in conversations with each other while reading, as well as a Facebook integration that makes it easier for people to feature their eReading activity on their Facebook profile.

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