Entries in Microsoft (234)


Microsoft updates Skype to only send you chat notifications on one active device

If you have Skype on your smartphone, tablet, and computer, we’re pretty sure you get annoyed by the simultaneously pinging of those devices when you get chat notifications. Microsoft is fixing the problem with a new update. Skype has a new “active endpoint” feature that will only send you chat notifications on the device you are using. For example, if you are chatting on your phone, then the notifications will only show up on your phone. At the same time, the chat history is still synced across multiple devices so if you want to pick up the conversation on another device, you can do just that.


Microsoft sues Samsung over Android royalties

It is a little known fact that Micosoft makes money on some Android devices sold because it own various technologies and patents. Samsung and Microsoft came to an agreement in 2011 where Samsung would pay Microsoft royalties for cross-licensed patents. Analysts have estimated royalties on Android patents bring Microsoft nearly $2 billion a year. Now Samsung has stopped paying royalties and so Microsoft is suing. Samsung says that it will review the case. Stay tuned.

Source: USA Today


SourceCode: It's a new day at Microsoft

Microsoft 3.0: Pushing productivity across platforms and devices

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's e-mail to employees last week served as the company's manifesto for a new era. Titled 'Bold Ambition & Our Core', the lengthy document sets the foundation for a new Microsoft, one that's moving away from Steve Ballmer's 'Devices and Services,' focused company to a more universal 'mobile-first and cloud-first,' company that embraces the opportunity to be the lead productivity and platform company.

We've seen the writing on the wall, under Nadella Microsoft has become a more altruistic technology giant, one that released their crown jewel, Microsoft Office, to the iPad, the device whose immense popularity threatened to bury the PC as a thing of the past.

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Microsoft redesigns Skype for iPhone

Microsoft has refined its Skype app further for the iOS ecosystem with a new update for the iPhone. Version 5.0 of the app now has an updated notification system that works across different Skype platforms, including iPhone, PC, and Xbox. The group chat feature has also been revamped so you can access it from the main hub. The app is also said to be five times faster than the previous version. An iPad update is supposedly in the works but there is no information when it will be available.

Source: Ubergizmo