Entries in Microsoft (234)


Guide to the best sites for back to school shopping

By Sonya Davison

It’s the beginning of August and it suddently hit me, I have one kid going off to university and one off to high school. Whelp. Yes, I know we’re at mid-point of summer vacation and while I really don’t want to rush things, I'm seriously getting the case of FOMO. Back to school shopping has begun (and even done) with some families I know. Cue the tears...mine. Particularly for the university-bound kid who’s all of the sudden seems waaaay more grown up. The boy that had me carry a purse load of Hot Wheels is now driving himself and soon he'll be one of the thousands that will be moving into residence at the beginning of September.

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Microsoft reportedly buying code hosting repository GitHub

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Microsoft is reportedly buying GitHub which is a leading resource for global software development. "GitHub hosts code for 27 million software developers working on 80 million repositories of code,” according to Bloomberg. The deal is apparently expected to be a billion dollar blockbuster deal which is expected to get a formal announcement tomorrow June 4.

GitHub is a critical service used to help develop everything from iPhone apps to websites. Microsoft owning this resource gives it a powerfull foothold in the future of software development. While GitHub is a huge code repository used by Apple, Amazon, Google and many others. Microsoft is also a major contributor to GitHub and a natural fit as a steward of the service.

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Microsoft makes major pivot towards AI and multisense and multidevice experiences

Photo from Digital Journal

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The world is a computer, or at least, it could be. Microsoft's announcements today at their yearly Build developer conference shift away from consumer-facing products and focuses on bigger picture innovation on a much larger scale. The shift is towards ubiquitous computing which will be event driven, serverless and powered by the Azure cloud.

There was hardly any talk of Windows during the keynote, once the centre of focus for the company. Windows 10 has now been merged with Office 365 into Microsoft 365, software and solutions as a service. Moving forward, the Windows OS and the Office productivity suite are inextricably linked as components of a singular product.

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Dell and Microsoft announce IoT parnership to simplify deployment

Microsoft is going all-in on Internet of Things devices and has even built its own processors which will be powered by Linux. Dell is an early partner in this initiative.Dell Technologies and Microsoft are collaborating to deliver a joint Internet of Things (IoT) solution designed to help vertical customers simplify deploying their end-to-end IoT solutions, from the edge to the cloud. The combination of Microsoft Azure IoT applications and services, VMware Pulse IoT Center and Dell Edge Gateways will offer customers streamlined management, centralized monitoring and security from devices to the cloud.

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