Entries in Nook (12)


Amazon unleashes new Wi-Fi-only Kindle for US$139

Amazon has a new Kindle and it looks great. After lowering the price of their Kindle 2 e-Reader to $189, possibly to clear inventory for this new model. The new model, which has a more rounded form-factor, an improved e-Ink display and now only connects to the Amazon store via Wi-Fi sells in the US for $139, which is a more competitive price for the already successful e-Reading device. No official word on when it will be available to Canada or how much it will cost us.


Amazon Kindle now priced at US $189

Responding to pressure from Barnes & Noble's Nook and Apple's iPad, Amazon has lowered the price of its Kindle 2 which is now available for $189.00. Canadians should note that conversion and shipping charges plus import taxes will apply. When we reviewed the Kindle in November last year it cost a total of US $312.


Canadian eBook retailer Kobo preps iPad app

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

As the launch date of the Apple iPad nears, a number of developers are prepping software offerings for the device. Canadian eBook retailer Kobo just announced its own application that gives users access to over 2 million book titles.

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Slate PCs and eBook Readers all the rage at CES


Lenovo U1 hybrid Notebook/Slate combo comes out in June 2010This year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is once again heralding technology trends for the coming year if not acting as the proving ground for technologies coming out in the next few. Or not.

This year, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer whipped out an HP Slate PC during his yearly keynote speech, demonstrated the PC version of the Amazon Kindle software, and Windows 7's multi-touch interface as well as web surfing, multimedia and gaming features.

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