Canadian Reviewer Weekly Roundup 03/20-03/26

Old Kindles to lose connection to the ‘net if not updated by Tuesday
The Best Gadgets from Mobile World Congress
Amazon Cloud Drive launches unlimited cloud storage for Canada
Apple launches 9.7-inch variant of iPad Pro, smaller 4-inch iPhone SE
Apple introduces new Night Shift feature in iOS 9.3
Former Intel CEO and Chairman Andy Grove has died
Watch Apple's hypnotic Liam robot take apart old iPhones
MasterCard to launch Selfie Pay verification for online payments and e-commerce
HTC readies to unveil new flagship on April 12
Apple Pay rumoured to be coming to Web and possibly desktop
Instagram now shows notifications on its website
Review: RHA S500i Noise Isolation headphones for iOS
Microsoft Surface 3 loaded with family fun
Android 6.0.1 update for the Moto X Play comes to Canada
Apple’s upcoming TV show will be about apps
You can now download Google's Nik Collection of $149 photo tools for free
Snapchat acquires Bitmoji maker for US$100 million