Photoshop turns 20! Layers its way into pop culture

Photoshop is turning 20.
Adobe's iconic image editing application has transcended its place as the de facto application for pixel pushing, editing photos, creating layouts and graphic designs and has become a part of our cultural consciousness. Photoshop enabled millions of users to become web developers, graphic designers and solved the problems of bad skin tone on models while enticing us with fake mockups of gadgets that were often better than the real thing. Cheers to everyone's favourite image editing software!
The Urban Dictionary gives us an idea of Photoshop's impact in society.
2: An image that has literally been drawn or edited with the program Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop has been the lynchpin of Adobe's application empire, the crucial program that migrated millions of users from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X as well as the one program whose uses and features have gone far beyond a simple image editing application and into all forms of creative art and design. Aside from Mac and PC versions, Photoshop is now available for the iPhone and has been reborn as a cloud computing app
Robert Scoble interviews Photoshop 1.0 pioneer John Knoll. (Video courstesy of Scobelizer via YouTube)
Here are some interesting facts about Photoshop as it evolved through the years.
• In 1990 Photoshop 1.0 was launched, breaking new ground in the graphic design field including features such as color correction, image optimization for output, curves and levels
• In 1993 Photoshop for Windows machines was introduced
• In 2001 Photoshop Elements was launched, extending the power of image editing beyond the professionals to photo enthusiasts
• In 2003 Photoshop CS was introduced, firmly integrated with other Adobe technologies for creative professionals
• In 2007 Photoshop Lightroom was launched to support photographers’ digital workflow
• In 2009 Photoshop extended its technology to the mobile world by introducing Photoshop application for iPhone users
• Today the Photoshop Facebook pages has more than 370,000 thousand followers; more than 50,000 blogs and 2,500 books have been published by the Photoshop communities worldwide
Join in the celebration by visiting the Photoshop Facebook page and click on the “Celebrate” tab, where you can download the “Ticker & Trivia Widget” to countdown the days until the anniversary date or create your “Show us Your 20” icon to use as your profile pic and Twitter avatar all February to celebrate Photoshop's 20th.
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