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iPad Mania Begins early

By Gadjo C. Sevilla

Apple's "magical" and "revolutionary" device is undoubtedly the gadget release of 2010. The iPad arrives in the US this Saturday and already expectations have been whipped into a frenzy. Steve Jobs is covered by Stephen Fry in Time, Gizmodo has profiled and collected early reviews and everyone seems to have an opinion on this product that really, very few people have seen.  For Canada, the iPad is rumoured to hit stores on April 24.


From what we've gathered, the iPad is a breakthrough device only because it creates its own space between smartphones and notebooks. Many of the early reviewers didn't want to let go of their review iPads and said that they enjoyed using the device so much that they all but forgot about their notebooks. The true test of the iPad is when the apps designed for the new screen-size and interface begin to roll out and people start finding ways to integrate the device into their everyday lives.

Excited about the iPad? So are we, we feel it will open up new opportunities in publishing and content consumption. While we wait for it to land, we can satisfy our curiosity by checking out the guided tours that Apple released this week. Or watch the unboxing video from beloved tech journalist and Mac expert Andy Ihnatko.

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