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Net Change Week in Toronto - June 7 to 11, 2010 / It's ON!

Net Change 2010: You're invited! from SiG @ MaRS on Vimeo.


June 7 to 11, 2010 will be dedicated to exploring the intersection between social technology and social change launched in its first year last June of 2009. The MaRS Discovery Centre in downtown Toronto, hosted fourteen events, each with a unique focus and target audience. Over 2,000 people attended the week, which was built in partnership with over 35 collaborators. More info after the break.

Net Change is a weeklong series of events at the MaRS Centre in Toronto exploring the intersection between technology and social change. In addition to social and mobile technology training events, Net Change features renowned thought leaders throughout the week. Here's a link to their schedule.

Net Change Kick Off - Monday night

Between them, Jeremy Heimans and Jon Warnow have produced some of the world's most successful, global social movement campaigns in recent years. Join us for this high-energy talk on how they have applied the value of idealism to get millions to act their conscience.

Register for People-Powered here:

Mobile Takeover - Wednesday night

With the advance of global threats like climate change, pandemics, food and water shortage, the public will be called upon with increasing regularity to respond to crisis. Mobile tech is giving us a new way to leverage the humanity of people worldwide.

Register for Mobile Tech & the Global Threat Set here:


Where are we headed?

Speakers will be challenged to think beyond current strategies about how we can harness leading technology for greatest impact. Among concepts explored are; How 21st Century communication is changing our society and how it is helping us address some of the world's toughest problems in new ways.

Register for the Future Panel here:

Cyber Security

This panel will discuss cyberspace security, with specific implications for Canadian foreign policy. When is it in the public interest to allow the free flow of information; and when is it in the national interest to control it?

Register for the Cyber Security Panel here:

Provocative Finale - Friday afternoon

How can the stalled institutions of society be rebuilt and re-organized for the new age of networked intelligence? Join us for Don Tapscott's first public talk about his new book MacroWikinomics.

Register for the Provocation of Don Tapscott here:

The Future Lab

Three pre-selected project ideas will enter into the lab, where teams will have less than 48hrs to come up with game plans for how the ideas will be realized out in the world. Judges will pick the winning idea in front of a live audience.

Register for the Future Lab here:

Interested in social tech training? Visit our My Charity Connects event page here:

Interested in mobile tech training? Visit our Mobile Tech for Social Change event page here:

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