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Mobilicity backs Ontario Bill 5 and wireless consumer protection laws 

Mobilicity today reaffirmed its support of Ontario MPP David Orazietti’s wireless consumer protection legislation, scheduled to go into Second Reading on December 1st.

“We stand united with Mr. Orazietti in his unwavering pursuit of protecting Ontario consumers from unfair wireless practices, such as excessive early contract termination fees,” said Mobilicity President Stewart Lyons. “It’s time to stop putting Ontarians at the mercy of oppressive, expensive wireless contracts and give them the freedom they deserve.”


Ontario’s Bill 5, originally introduced in 2010 as Bill 133 (The Wireless Phone, Smart Phone and Data Service Transparency Act, 2011), would require wireless carriers to provide clear disclosure of all optional and mandatory services and contract cancellation penalties, and limit contract termination fees. A full copy of the legislation is available at: http://www.ontla.on.ca/bills/bills-files/40_Parliament/Session1/b005.pdf


Mobilicity previously supported Bill 133 and advocates for greater protection of wireless consumers. The carrier has encouraged provincial governments to explore the introduction of consumer protective legislation similar to that in the provinces of Quebec and Manitoba.


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