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Motoring: Mini Countryman supersizes the Mini line

Living large: The Mini Countryman is the largest Mini and the first with four doors

We're finding the 2011 Mini Countryman strangely appealing. It is Mini's crossover and it comes with 4 doors, a larger interior and a 4-wheel drive variant. This can be the Mini that's both practical and fun with a variety of engine and accessory choices.

Mini head designer Gert Hilldebrand explained the idea of a larger Mini was something the automaker struggled with.

“But Mini customers — those with children or extra stuff to carry around or who can only afford one car — demanded we build this car,” Hilldebrand stated.

The 2011 Mini Countryman is available in Canada starting at $27,850.

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    Wonderful Web-site, Stick to the great work. Thanks for your time!

Reader Comments (1)

do you think that with all the money spent on advertising (check this one: http://blog.cincinnatimini.com/2011/02/mini-countryman-in-times-square/) they could put aside a few dollars for an electric or hybrid? mini countryman of this type would sell like hotcakes.

February 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGirard

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