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mySpark Technologies wins Start-Up Company of the Year honors an YTA awards.

Canadian startup mySpark Technologies just won the  York Technology Leadership Awards (YTA) for Start-Up Company of the Year. mySpark Technologies designed a high-performance Android tablet geared towards teachers, students and administrators ranging throughout the educational structure K-12, colleges and universities.  

The mySpark Education Platform is painstakingly engineered to be powerful, usable and durable. It comes equipped with a finger or stylus touch-screen and a powerful dual-core processor for lightning-fast performance. Hit jump for full specs.

Display: TFT 10”, 4:3, 1024×768 pixel. External output via HDMI

Touch Input: Multi-touch finger and accurate stylus inputs

Processor: Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 Processor with graphics and video acceleration

Wireless: 802.11 a/b/n + Bluetooth + GPS

Camera: VGA Front (conferencing), 2MP Rear (video and picture snapshot)

Memory: 8GB Flash, 1GB Low Power DDR, SD Card Expansion

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