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I, Steve: Steve Jobs In His Own Words will be a book of Quotes, coming in November

We just received word that I, Steve : Steve jobs In His Own Words (Agate Publishing, 2011), a collection of over 30 years of quotes from the Apple Chairman's countless media interviews and stage appearances will ship on November 21.

Edited by George Beahm, a collection of more than 200 quotations from Steve Jobs on business, technology, Innovation, and life in general. Steve Jobs is the most visionary and innovative CEO of our time, and I, STEVE sheds light on Jobs's ground-breaking decisions throughout his extraordinary career, through the words of Jobs himself. By reading Jobs's thoughts on leadership, organization, and more, readers get a clear picture of the values, insights, and strategies that guided Jobs at Apple and Pixar.

 This book is the first of its kind, and it is a natural complement to any review of the forthcoming Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.  Here are some gems from the book.

Computers as Tools

What a computer is to me is the most remark- able tool that we have ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.

—Memory & Imagination, 1990 

Employee Potential

My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to make them better.

—CNNMoney.com/Fortune, February 2008 


My dream is that every person in the world will have their own Apple computer. To do that, we’ve got to be a great marketing company.

—Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, 1987 

This is a must have for any avid Apple fan or anyone interested in how one of the most dynamic and innovative minds in the business works. 

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