Snapheal recognized as one of the best Mac apps of the year

MacPhun's phenomenal Snapheal Mac App just got picked as one of 2012's best apps by Apple. This is a well deserved honour for one of the best applications we've tried all year and which can do a better job of cleaning up digital photos than many, more expensive applications out there. SnapHeal costs $9.99 but is well worth it if retouching photos is important to you.
We reviewed Snapheal 2.0 back in October and were super impressed by the ease of use and great results we got from using the appl. SnapHeal got a 5 out of 5 rating and a shining recommendation ,"I highly recommend Snapheal 2.0 for anyone who takes a lot of photos and who needs a fast, powerful and easy to use tool that's also incredibly affordable."
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