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Learning Android Game Programming for all levels of developers

Addison-Wesley just released a new book in the new Learning series titled Learning Android Game Programming.

Learning Android Game Programming brings together all the knowledge and sample code that even casual or "junior" Android developers need to develop low-budget 2D games with Java and XML.

For the first time, it makes Android game development practical for thousands of developers who don't have the resources to build highly-complex 3D games. Rather than focusing on difficult, highly-optimized native C libraries, this book relies on the far more accessible AndEngine framework and Java/Dalvik virtual machine.


Coverage includes:

  • Mobile game design principles, tools, and terminology
  • Using the AndEngine framework, Java/Dalvik, and the Android SDK together
  • Rendering images, using sprite sheets, and creating animations
  • Working with text, fonts, tile maps, particles, and sound
  • Supporting user input and creating an effective game interface
  • Working with the physics engine
  • Integrating, tuning, and testing the complete game
  • Publishing games on Android Market or downloading them directly to Android device

Book Page: www.informit.com/title/9780321769626

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  • Response
    Response: keygens
    Hello Epic post! Check out: http://bit.ly/W9sLJi
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    Learning Android Game Programming for all levels of developers - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    Response: Code Debugging

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