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McAfee: One in every six PCs are not protected

McAfee announced the results of a global study that set out to determine the percentage of personal computer owners without any working security software and protection.Out of the 24 participating countries, Canada was ranked as the 7th least protected country. 

Key findings from the study include:

- Eighty-three (83) per cent of global PC owners have working basic security protection

- Seventeen (17) per cent of PCs scanned had no anti-virus installed or it was expired

- Canada is the 7th least protected country, with 17.9 per cent of consumers browsing the Internet without any protection. Of this group of users, 9.48 per cent of consumers have no protection installed, and 8.45 per cent of consumers have installed but disabled security, placing the country in the number two spot for this category behind Singapore.

The full results of the study can be found here.

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