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TomTom seeks tropical island explorers to help map St. Lucia 

Earlier this month, TomTom launched its Map Paradise Project, recruiting families and groups of friends to help map five tropical islands. Today applications close for the first island, Fiji, and open for St. Lucia. TomTom is looking for people to spend two weeks on the island and earn $10,000 for mapping it.

Successful applicants will need to explore St Lucia in a specially equipped mapping car, the first stage of the TomTom map-making process. No mapping experience is needed, but TomTom is looking for people who would enjoy visiting rainforests, banana and coconut plantations, who don't mind great weather and who have a decent sense of direction.  

This mapping field work will take anything from a day to two weeks depending on how much time is spent sunbathing, swimming or exploring.

A TomTom jury is busily looking at all the applications for the Fiji Map Paradise Project. The winners will be announced on Friday, June 22 on Facebook and via email. For more info, check this out.


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