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Screen Time Media Manager helps with kids' screen time

Utah based Kabrea Technologies today announces Screen Time - Media Time Manager 1.2, an update to their innovative time tracking application for iOS devices. ScreenTime encourages children to spend less time watching television and more time doing other more productive, healthy activities. Beginning with the ability to add screen minutes manually, users should expect a series of updates which include iCloud support, graphs and reports, weekly allowances, and an iPad version.

Rod Liberal, developer of ScreenTime, says the thinking behind ScreenTime is simple. "Essentially, kids are able to bank their time and trade those minutes for customized rewards. In turn, they learn delayed gratification and long-term savings concepts. Some studies show that children in the United States watch an average of three or four hours of television every day, my own kids included. That's why we created ScreenTime."

"The very best part about the application is it is fully customizable," continued Liberal. The screens, tasks, rewards, and time allowances can all be modified by the parent or guardian to suit the needs of the family."

Liberal's own children's time managing experience helped create the concept behind ScreenTime. The application is centered around a parent or guardian's ability to help children combine all of their daily media interactions into one single system. "ScreenTime is not just a time tracker. It's a tool that gives parents and children consistent and reasonable daily expectations for watching tv and playing video games."

Screen Time - Media Time Manager 1.2 is $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Lifestyle category.

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