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Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Instagram, which is now owned by Facebook, is continuing its explosive growth. The photo sharing app is gaining critical mass at as steady pace. Instagram has boosted its user base by 1,100% since it was purchased in April by Facebook.

This means that since it was acquired it has grown from a company with  860,000 daily users and no revenue to 11 million daily user base in five short months is a stunning example of an idea whose time has come. Consider that Instagram isn't available on all the mobile platforms (none for Windows Phone or BlackBerry) plus surging competition from dozens of copycat apps and its staying power is formidable.

Not only is Instagram skewing the social media and sharing service model, it is also pushing mobile and smartphone manufacturers into improving the capabilities, quality and features of their built-in cameras.

The service is almost as addictive as last year's popular app Angry Birds but even more rewarding.

Instagram photos can be as simplistic as someone's mundane lunch or as complex as the best fine art photography.

If Facebook is all about keeping tabs on friends, Instagram is about seeing the world through someone else's eyes and it has proven to be compelling, even addictive.

The app itself isn't rocket science. You take photos using your smartphone's camera and you are limited to the square orientation and the dozen or so filters and effects. Name your photo, locate it on a map and then post it for the world to see.

People now have the chance to appreciate, like and comment on your creation. 

As with anything 'shareworthy' there are a lot of weird, often objectionable photos put up. Too many shots of clouds, shadows, manicures, people's feet and self-shots some users are fond of putting up. But there are also hundreds of awesome, creative and thought-provoking photos presented for viewing.

The best thing about Instagram is that it promotes creativity specially since it is so limited that it forces users to work within the limitations of the service. In a way, it is a lot like film photography but without the expense and uncertainty of having to print photos.

Instagram has a future and it is now in Facebook's best interests to improve and grow this application which I think still hasn't peaked and has a lot of potential going forward.

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  • Response
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
  • Response
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    Response: trucos
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
  • Response
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
  • Response
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
  • Response
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
  • Response
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    Response: jugon
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    Response: B2C-Innovation.Com
    Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective

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