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CES 2013: Toshiba's Computer Graphic Watch concept at CES

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Las Vegas: CES 2013 was expected to be a big year of wearable computing or at least products falling under the Smart Watch category which link to smartphones and tablets. While companies like Pebble and Cookoo have a presence at the show, there haven't been too many exciting wearable devices except forToshiba's Computer Graphic Watch.

Purely a concept at this point, the Toshiba Computer Graphic Watch has a bright 320 x 100 OLED screen, an ARM processor and Bluetooth in order to connect to smartphones and tablets.

The watch itself is designed to resemble a high-end but chunky Cartier watch, even the simulated Roman numerals seem to be inspired by the iconic Tank Anglaise.

In terms of functionality, the concept Graphic Watch can be used as a heartbeat monitor, a notification gadget as well as a remote control for other devices. With something like this, the sky's the limit in terms of functionality.

Kudos to Toshiba for looking at the future of OLED and smart watches and coming up with something that's rather stylish in a retro, steampunk sort of way.

Photos by Alex Davies

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