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Card2Contact app now on Android, makes business cards digital

Card2Contact isa must have app for any Android user that's collected a ton of business cards and who doesn't know what to do with them. Instead of letting these valuable contacts sit dormant for months in your desk or closet, you can use your Android device to take a photo of the card and the Card2Contact app transcribes the information and makes it actionable by enabling integration with exisiting social media networks.

Card2Contact is an Android application that’s designed to cleverly bridge both physical and digital worlds by seamlessly integrating physical business cards into an eminently more useful digital scenario. 

The Waterloo-made application uses cameras in Android devices to capture business cards. More than this, it takes all that valuable contact information and converts that data into actionable and relevant information through Card2Contact’s cloud service.

Card2Contact can seamlessly merge business card information into existing social media information so that there are various ways to contact and share information with significant personal as well as business contacts. 

I took a photo of my own business card as well as one from a contact I had recently made. Turnaround time was around an hour and I had all the information encoded. Aside from a small typo in my name, most of the relevant contact information on the cards were now in my smartphone (and on Card2Contact's servers.

Keep capturing cards and queue them up and the system works in the background to get the information to Card2Contact for transcription.

Of course, having a large collection of contacts doesn’t really amount to much if you don’t put it to good use. Once a contact is added, Card2Contact provides an option to flag the contact for follow-up, specifying the perfect time or day to receive a reminder. This is an excellent feature for sales professionals looking to quickly convert leads into new business by ensuring they’re not forgotten.

Card2Contact synchronizes all contact and calendar data, as well as follow-up reminders with a secure cloud-based server. Users can download Card2Contact to any Android smartphone and access their data via a secured connection.

This allows for seamless data transfer between Android devices and ensures that your contacts are never lost with a lost smartphone.

With Card2Contact, Android devices now become ideal tools for capturing and securing vital contact information that can now be easily integrated into mobile and social networks.

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