Review: TYLT VU Wireless Charging Stand

By Corey Herscu
First and foremost, and I don't mean to come across negative, but what's the point in manufacturing an accessory that by more common means is pretty much unusable? This is the situation I find myself in with the above VU wireless charging stand from TYLT.
I mean I want to try it out, I really do, but none of the current in-market phones Canada or US support wireless charging (without the addition of an accessory in select cases). Aside from the Google Nexus 4 (what stops Nexus users' from buying the pod that is half the price and was made for it?), Asus Nexus 7 tablet, Nokia's Lumia 920, or most of the Samsung Galaxy line of devices (with a separate backing) what other devices support wireless charging out of box? Not many.
Playing devils advocate, and in fairness to TYLT, I feel like the PR company representing them - the ones who reached out to me to review this product - should have done their homework on who would get actual use out of it. Rather than just offering anyone who responded to the announcement release. Alas, that didn't happen.
So, because I accepted the accessory in return for a write-up, I'll write something.
Unless you're American and have one the following devices, or have a one the devices listed above and don't plan on changing for a while, there is no reason to shell out $109.99 for this plastic stand. Unless, of course, you want something pretty to show off your gadget-du-jour.
Learn more about the TYLT VU wireless charging stand here
Reader Comments (1)
Ludzie, czy wy nie widzicie, jak wami manipulują. Tytuł artykułu mówi, że SBU zatrzymało podejrzanych o zestrzelenie samolotu, co jest oczywiście samo w sobie śmieszne, ponieważ to oni sami odpowiadają za zestrzelenie samolotu i fabrykowanie fałszywych dowodów mających wskazywać, że to powstańcy stoją za zestrzeleniem samolotu. Natomiast propaganda WP wstawiła w tym artykule zdjęcie powstańców, co ma jednoznacznie sugerować czytelnikowi, że to oni stoją za zamordowaniem 298 osób. "Obiektywne" dziennikarstwo, czyli kpina z człowieka.