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Toronto-based Kiddology uses real-time video to bring families together

Kiddology – a platform using real-time video connection with interactive books and games to bridge families together no matter if in the same room or worlds apart, will launch with a Kickstarter campaign. The platform enables parents or relative who are away from their kids to engage them using video conferencing technology made easy.

Instead of children using tablets on their own, Kiddology wants families to come back as a unit and encourage paired interactivity. Remember evenings and weekends spent playing board games with your parents? The children’s app platform is bringing this family get-together back, with a modern twist of technology and learning.

It’s through parental involvement that Kiddology means to be used—together as a unit, never alone.

But Kiddology goes beyond being a learning platform. It gives mommies, daddies, llustrators, writers and artists of all kinds a place to publish games and books without knowing how to code.

It’s quite simple says co‐founder Jay Kapadia: “We love bringing families together and families love engaging with beneficial content, but we want it to be easy for everyone to craft useful content.”

Children playing with apps by themselves rarely helps them learn better. Children thrive oninteraction. Kiddology keeps that in mind by introducing features that includes:


  • Encouraged parental involvement in application.
  • Co‐play when family members and kids are apart.
  • Four interactive books and one educational game at launch.
  • A lovable character named Kiyoshi to help in the path of learning.



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