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A native Instagram app for BlackBerry 10? Say it ain't so!

You read the link right. but it's not what you're thinking; or is it?

BlackGram, the first native instagram substitute for BlackBerry 10, has finally arrived in BlackBerry World for download and offers many of the features we have come to appreciate from the real-deal including:

  • Account creation
  • Profile picture change
  • Full browsing: followers, following, liked.
  • Search users and tags
  • Like, unlike, comment, follow and unfollow
  • Select a picture from your albums or take a photo with the camera
  • Edit the image with the integrated editor and native filters
  • Original Instagram filters (server-side)

However, of course, because it's not official from Burbn (makers of Instagram), there are a few caveats to overcome: because of the costs associated with running the image-processing server, the app isn't free; also, related to the aforementioned server, processed images take a bit longer to show up in your feed.

Aside from the above, it's the best alternative to the sometimes buggy sideload options presently available to BlackBerry diehards. Being said, go buy it, and support the hardworking devs who made this app possible!

via CrackBerry

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