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The Apple Beat: Adobe's CTO Kevin Lynch moves to Apple as VP for technology

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Adobe's loss, it seems, is Apple's gain. Former Adobe CTO and visionary Kevin Lynch is reportedly headed to Apple to take on the VP of technology position which will put the industry veteran and cloud-computing impresario in the middle of Apple's prominent cloud, ecosystem and application product nucleus. Prior to Adobe, Lynch was with Macromedia which originated Flash and Shockwave.

The release from Adobe states;

Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO, is leaving the company effective March 22 to take a position at Apple We will not be replacing the CTO position; responsibility for technology development lies with our business unit heads under the leadership of Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen. Bryan Lamkin, who has recently returned to Adobe, will assume responsibilities for cross company research and technology initiatives as well as Corporate Development. We wish Kevin well in this new chapter of his career.

Lynch was outspoken abour Apple's rejection of Flash on the iPhone and the iPad. A big fight between Apple and Adobe that resulted in Steve Jobs releasing his "Thoughts on Flash" piece.

Lynch was instrumental to Adobe's move to SaaS or Software as a Service embodied by its Creative Cloud subscriptions. Innovation, research and development are Lynch's key strengths and it is expected that his input will help some of Apple's less appealing services within iCloud as well as managing the increasing Mac and iOS cloud ecosystems. Lynch is expected to report to Bob Mansfield, Apple's returned SVP of Technologies. 


Source: Adobe

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