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McAfee Canada Warns Canadians of Tax Scams

According to a recent industry survey, 20 per cent of Canadians have been exposed to a scam during tax season. Fourteen (14) per cent have either been a victim or know someone who has been a victim of a tax season scam. Further, 18 per cent of Canadians who have been victims have lost or know someone who has lost more than $1,200.

As users increasingly embrace online tax e-filing for fast refunds, cybercriminals are taking advantage of those whose online security is lax. They perpetrate tax scams that come in different forms including phishing and CRA scams. Cybercriminals seek to steal personal information for a number of ends including impersonating people to open bank accounts and obtain passports, transferring bank balances, applying for loans and credit cards, and making purchases. 

When filing online, users need to be diligent about their online security to protect their information. Some tips include keeping their access codes private, not using public computers and networks, and never sending their confidential information by email.

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