Review: Michelle Twitter client for iOS

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
There's an abundance of Twitter apps for iOS with a range of functionality and features. A new client called Michelle App offers a fast and slick alternative to keeping tabs on your Twitter feeds and posting from your iPhone or iPod Touch.
According to developers, Michelle is made to be different. It is clean, flat designed and got no unnecessary buttons. Everything is based on gestures and taps. It is built on a twitter streaming api so application is very fast. Michelle can be counted on as one of the new breed of apps that offer well-designed, intuitive and simple functionality without the clutter. Michelle is also free on the Apple iOS app store until May 1.
Making use of the entire scree of the iPhone, Michelle is easy on the eyes and clear.
There's a lot of space between text that gives users and uncluttered feel but some might feel like the layour is a bit patchy.
Michelle is also one of the fastest Twitter clients I have tried on any platform. it also offers a quick way to transfer between accounts if you have more than one Twitter handle that you are managing.
Some of the more notable features are as follows:
* Automagically updates. Forget about "Pull to Refresh". All you tweets will be shown instantly like a magic.
* Nice animation, flat design and nothing to distract you.
* Pictures preview in tweets (Yes, Instagram too).
* Conversation view. Simply tap tweet twice.
* Fast switch between account (if you have more than one).
While I like the look and feel of Michelle on the iPhone 5, I'm not going to shift to it full time just yet. It does lack some key functionality such as the ability to search Tweets and hashtags. Granted these will likely follow in an upcoming revision, their omission makes Michelle feel a bit incomplete.
This is still a stunning step forward and a refreshing take on an elegant and fast Twitter client. Michelle is definitely promising.
Rating: 3.5 out o 5
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