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BlackBerry Z10 arrives at Videotron, Q10 to follow

The eagerly awaited BlackBerry Z10 smartphone will be available from Videotron as of tomorrow. The BlackBerry Z10 is the fastest and most advanced all touch smartphone that BlackBerry has ever produced. It delivers a uniquely smooth and seamless experience that constantly adapts to users’ needs. 

Videotron is also proud to announce that it will soon be adding the BlackBerry Q10 to its selection of BlackBerrydevices smartphones. The BlackBerry Q10 sports a timeless design that combines the power of a physical keyboard with the new BlackBerry 10. 

The state-of-the-art BlackBerry Q10 smartphone pricing and release date will be announced within weeks. Stay tuned. 

For more information on Videotron’s products and services, visit http://www.videotron.com/residential/mobile/devices-and-accessories# 

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