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Fluid Notes promises smooth note-taking for the iPad

While it can’t promise to improve your handwriting, Fluid Notes will help make the notes you take on your iPad avoid looking like scribbles of a three-year-old kid using a crayon. Its intuitive interface gives you easy access to the tools you need to create your handwritten notes—switching from fountain pens, to ball point pens, and even to highlighters or crayons are all just a swipe away.

This app has its own bookshelf to help keep your notebooks organized in any way you want. It lets you work in a magnified view so you won’t need to pinch or squint at your screen as you write. You can export your notes to and from the cloud using apps like DropBox, Evernote, Box, and Google Drive. And you can even write on PDF files as if you were just writing on paper. If you want to find out more about this free app, click here

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