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earHero earphones keep you safe

You probably like listening to music while you’re out jogging, commuting, and the like but you know it isn’t safe to do that. With the new earHero earphones, you can listen to your favorite tunes while keeping cars and other important noises slightly audible. Its tiny speakers won’t block your ear canal and its wires are so thin and clear that you can hardly see them. Buying a pair is going to set you back $149. If you want to find out more, you can check earHero’s website.  

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    Education is very important for an individual’s well being. Being an educated person an individual can choose different fields and can work in one’s favorite workplace. A person can study the things that he or she likes without any one’s assistance.

Reader Comments (1)

Looks good! I need new earphones bc I lost some ear buds. Thinking about buying the Sony in ear buds bc those are amazing and last for a while. I also have the Song headphones and what I dislike about them is it cover my ears which makes my ears sore and I feel a bit more heated.

July 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

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