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Nokia starts rolling out Lumia Amber update

Nokia is finally releasing its Lumia Amber update to a number of its Windows Phone 8 devices. Aside from getting Microsoft’s latest version of Windows Phone 8, the update contains some Nokia-specific app additions such as Smart Camera and Pro Camera apps as well as the Glance software.

Smart Camera software originally came out with the Lumia 925 and it adds motion focus picture options. The new Pro Camera app, which came out recently with the Lumia 1020, is going to be made available for the Lumia 920, 925, and 928. Glance software has a clock on the lock screen and allows users to double tap the device to wake it up. It also lets Lumia users flip the phone to silence it and mute incoming calls.

The rollout began with Lumia 920 and 820 in selected countries and Lumia 521, 820, and 928 in the US. Nokia aims to make the update available to all its Windows Phone 8 smartphones by the end of September.

Source: Conversations by Lumia

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