Interview: @CellGuru's mother talks about using her very first Dyson D43 "Animal"!

By Corey Herscu
We at Canadian Reviewer are no stranger to the Dyson brand. Having recently reviewed the DC 46 Turbinehead, we have grown to appreciate the quality and workmanship that come with these powerful vacuums. Being said, when Dyson approached us to review the DC41 Animal, rather than writing another unrelatable review (that most of you would get bored to tears over) we decided to take a different approach: why not offer my (Corey's) beloved mother the chance to take the vacuum for a spin? Great idea, eh? We thought so; so we did.
After a few weeks using it as her weekly in-house driver, I sent her a few questions to grasp her experience with it. Read on to find out what my mother, Mrs. Helen Herscu, thinks about the Dyson DC43 Animal vacuum cleaner:
CR: What did you know about the Dyson brand prior to getting the new vacuum?
I saw the advertising for this vacuum on T.V. and have always longed for one, but knew that it was well above my reach financially. So you can imagine how pleasantly surprised I was when you told me I would be getting one to try out and subsequently keep!
CR: What did you use before Dyson and what makes you stick to it now that you own one?
I have used the Sears-own brand of canister vacuuming before. I recently purchased a Bissell Upright, just because I knew the name, and again, longed to get a Dyson. Once I got the Dyson, I have put the Bissell away, and I am thoroughly enjoying using it. It is so lightweight that I have no problem carrying it up/down stairs on my own, without the need for my husband to intervene. As I vacuum, I am fascinated by the fluid movement of the "ball" technology.
CR: How much more efficient do you find yourself now when going through your cleaning routine?
Its suction is absolutely amazing, although it is relatively quiet. What is also amazing, is how easy it is to empty out the dirt canister, just hold it over the garbage and pop it open, out falls all the dirt. All the dirt that is sucked up by the vacuum stays in the canister, and you can see it fall in its transparent holder. In this respect, dust allergies are drastically reduced.
CR: How could Dyson improve their products?
Keep up the good work Dyson. In my opinion, nothing has to be changed. It is one amazing product!
CR: Any other thoughts you want to share? Would you recommend?
I will sing its praise for as long as I own it. Case in point: I AM ONE HAPPY DYSON OWNER!
CR: Thanks for your time, mom!
As you can see, she is is absolutely radiant and I have yet to meet someone who isn't completely enamored by their investment.
The Dyson D43 Animal retails for $699.9 and can be picked up here
Rating: a solid 5/5
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