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It's iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c day today

Apple's two newest iPhones come to Apple Retail Stores and mobile carriers today. The iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c represent the new generation of Apple's iOS 7 powered smartphones. We were on location at the Toronto Eaton Centre Apple Store this morning to see around 300 people in line waiting to get their hands on the new iPhones.

The energy and excitement was palpable and familiar to anyone who has had to wait in line to be one of the first to own an exciting new device. The iPhone 5s and 5c can be bought online at Apple's Online Store, in person at the Apple Retail Stores and through various carriers

Click here to learn more about iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s and iOS 7.

People inheriting the still awesome iPhone 5 or getting a new iPhone 4S can also read our reviews of those devices linked above.

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