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Intermedia: Apple owns 75% share of devices used by SMB's

Apple's iPhones and iPads may be the darlings of the consumer sector but they're also dominating small and medium businesses according to cloud services provider Intermedia

Intermedia's findings showed that of the nearly 250,000 aggregated device activations on Intermedia’s network, about 190,000 were made by Apple. The next largest device maker was Samsung, which saw only 29,000 device activations by SMB's.

Apple's iPhone 5c has also found itself as a viable SMB device since it is priced low enough to be considered a replacement for ageing office-issued BlackBerry smartphones.

What's more interesting is that device uptake at the SMB level has exploded over the last three years. Through October, device activations with Intermedia reached almost 250,000 for last year, compared to 217,050 in 2012 and just 88,680 in 2011.

Source: Business Insider Australia

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