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Rogers offers NHL GameCentre Live and Centre Ice for free to subscribers


Here’s something for the hockey fanatics. Rogers is offering NHL GameCentre LIVE and NHL Centre Ice to its subscribers for free. Those eligible for NHL GameCentre LIVE with GamePlus include In-market Share Everything Plan (wireless); Hybrid Fibre 60 or above and Grandfathered Extreme Internet or above (Internet - Ontario); and Hybrid Fibre 50 or above and Grandfathered Extreme Internet or above (Internet - Atlantic).

Meanwhile, those who gain access to free NHL Centre Ice include Digital VIP or higher (TV); Hybrid Fibre 60 or above (Internet - Ontario); and Hybrid Fibre 50 or above and Grandfathered Extreme or above (Internet - Atlantic). Those who aren’t eligible can still watch the remainder of the 2014/2015 season. And those on wireless data and internet subscribers will get free subscription to NHL GameCentre LIVE until December 31, 2014.

Source: Rogers GameCentre LIVE

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