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Google adds video game panel in search

You were only able to find out about music, TV shows, movies and like when using Google Search. Now, Google has updated its Knowledge Graph to show video game information as well. It includes things such as what series the game belongs to, initial released date, developers, publishers, designers, supported platforms, as well as review scores. Knowledge Graph is used by Google to map out real world objects, landmarks, and famous people. So, now if you want to find out more information about the games you are playing or want to play, Google is making it easier for you to find these things out.

Source: VentureBeat

Reader Comments (1)

know more about acheter the division a new game. Three Ubisoft studios collaborating on the development of The Division : Massive Entertainment , Ubisoft Reflections studio and Rainbow Six Red Storm .

November 27, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterclick for more info

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