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Microsoft brings OS X-like trackpad gestures to Windows 10

If you feel like consistent trackpad gestures have been missing on your Windows device, Microsoft is looking to change that with Windows 10. Microsoft's Joe Belfiore said at TechEd Europe that they are working to remedy that. "With Windows 10 we're adding support for power users in a touch pad, where multiple finger gestures—which all of you power users learn—can make you really efficient."

The features outlined by Belfiore include: three-finger swipe down to minimize all active Windows and three-finger swipe up to bring them back. You can use a three-finger swipe up to open new Task View feature and swipe left and right with your three fingers to switch between apps. Yes, these gestures are what is being used in OS X. We expect some issues to arise in the near future.

Source: The Verge | Via: Gizmodo

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