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Battery drain bug reportedly the cause for delay of Nexus 5's Lollipop update

If you've been wondering why your Nexus 5 didn't get the Android 5.0 release at the same time as the Nexus 9, there are reports that a battery draining bug caused handsets to drain after a few hours of use. Testers claim battery only lasts three to four hours for their Nexus 5 devices and Wi-Fi has to be turned off to remedy the situation.

Google seems to have addressed this issue and rolled out a new build of Lollipop to the testers that should improve battery life (which is actually what Android Lollipop promises to bring to devices). If there aren't anymore issues that surface, perhaps the November 12 release rumours might come true.

Source: TechnoBuffalo | Via: Cult of Android

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