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Samsung and Autism Speaks Canada Launches New Look at Me Project 


 By Sonya Davidson

For families living with autism, connecting with children can sometimes be challenging. On top of daily routines throw in a few occasions like the busy holiday season can be overwhelming for some. With these families in mind, the new Look at Me Project, has been created.

Developed by Samsung along with a dedicated team of clinical psychologists, cognitive psychologists and psychiatrists, The Look at Me Project, in partnership with Autism Speaks Canada hopes to:

  • help children with autism improve their ability to make eye contact and interpret facial expressions through an engaging, interactive and fun experience.
  • create a shared community to connect families with similar autism experiences.
  • build a community of 200 Canadian families living with autism

The Look at Me app aims to keep children motivated with features that often appeal to kids. It features themed missions, point system, various rewards and visual or sound effects to keep children engaged. Levels can be customized based on the child's achievements. Each mission in the app requires interaction between parents and their children to encourage positive relationships. The app will also give feedback to parents on their children's daily performances.

Canada has been chose to pilot the Look at Me Project and Samsung will donate 200 GALAXY Tab S devices pre-loaded with the Look at Me app to Canadian families living with autism. The interactive camera based app is intended to help families and their children living with autism improve the communication and social connections. 

"Autism Speaks Canada is committed to making a difference in the autism community. Giving a tablet to an individual with autism, who wouldn't otherwise have one, means new opportunities to connect, communicate an dlearn. Advancements in technology can make a significant impact on individuals with autism and their families," said Marc Murnaghan, Chair of the Board of Directors, Autism Speaks Canada. 

For more information or to apply for The Look at Me pilot program, Canadian families can visit Samsung.com/LookAtMe . Applications will be accepted until January 16, 2015. Selected families will be notified by February 20, 2015. The Look at Me app is available for free on GooglePlay.

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