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FlipGive combines shopping and giving for the holidays


By Sonya Davidson (photo courtesy of FlipGram)

If part of your holiday plans includes doing something charitable you may be interested in this. Toronto-based FlipGive is a company that is changing the face of community-based fundraising by providing a playform that combines the convenience of online shopping with the best of online fundraising. 

Online shopping with retailers such as Indigo, Starbucks, Aldo, Bench, Under Amour, Shop.ca and Groupon offers an added twist into their fold. For every purchase made through FlipGive, a percentage of the sales is donated (by the company you're purchasing from) to a cause. The cool thing about this platform is that the fundraising has no additional cost to the supporter. A recent example, if you purchase of $50 gift card from Aldo, the company will donate $15 to a cause of your choice through FlipGive. Perfect for the holiday shopping season! 

Anyone can participate all year round, either by registering a cause and a fundraising goal or by supporting one through FlipGive. It can also be used for fundraising efforts by schools, local sports teams, food banks and other smaller community-based fundraising initatives. The pages are professional looking with easy to use templates and the ability to share on social media. You can track your campaign's progress as well. 

It's a great tool for people who don't have the resources to do what it takes to run a fundraiser. Since it's launch, 11,000 campaigns have run, or are in market, and over $2.2 million has been raised for community initiatives across Canada and the United States. 

Here's a video to explain: FlipGive Fundraising Campaigns








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