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Expect 64-bit Android devices by Christmas?

An ARM executive has told CNET that the plan to shift to 64-bit is happening faster than they expected. Tom Lantzsch, executive vice president of corporate strategy at ARM, said there has been an increase in the demand for 64-bit mobile processors, like that in the Cortex A53 64-bit mobile processor. And that it won’t be long until we see Android devices powered by these processors. "We believe the capability will be there for a 64-bit phone by Christmas," he said.

What can a 64-bit processor bring to the Android market? Lantzsch said it would even make 32-bit code run more efficiently on ARM’s 64 bit v8-A architecture than on the native 32-bit ARM architecture. This would mean battery life would improve, better features will be introduced, and there would be quicker responsiveness.

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