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Video: VW's moving tribute to the Type 2 Kombi's Last Wishes

The iconic Kombi Microbus is just one of the various VW models that endeared itself to millions of users. As the last Kombi is produced in Brazil, VW has given their most popular van a stunning farewell video, website and even a coffee tablet book. The above documentary took six months to produce and really captures the essence of what made these vehicles such a huge part of people's lives. Hey, didn't Steve Jobs sell his Kombi to start-up Apple. So, Type 2 lovers everywhere, raise a glass to one of the greatest and most enduring vehicles in automotive history.

Source: VW Brasil

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    Response: seo web
    see here for best posicionar web en google around
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    Video: VW's moving tribute to the Type 2 Kombi's Last Wishes - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    Video: VW's moving tribute to the Type 2 Kombi's Last Wishes - Canadian Reviewer - News, Reviews and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective
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    Happy Thanksgiving Wishes

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