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Intel Family Day showcased future technology to Canadian students and their parents

Intel took part in a recent George Brown College Digifest event to show parents and their children the future of technology and what tools and opportunities lie ahead of them. Intel partnered with MakerKids, Thalmic Labs, and Arduino to conduct the different activities. The Intel Family Day was held on May 10 at Corus Quay. Listed below are the different workshops and experiences available at the event:

  • Robotic Maker workshops, presented by MakerKids: Moonbase will teach students to control a robot using the Arduino compatible Intel Galileo platform which will help them learn the programming language used by astronauts.
  • 3D Printing workshops: will help participants to design and create their own 3D printable items and walk them through some of the ways this technology is being put to use in the real world.
  • Arduinofest: A show and tell of the most innovative projects using Arduino microcontrollers. Participants also have the chance to meet with Massimo Banzi, the co-founder of Arduino, at the Maker Showcase.
  • Gesture control demos from Waterloo-based Thalmic Labs: the Myo armband is used to control a flying drone wirelessly through natural and effortless movements of the hand and forearm.

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